Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 Vision Boarding

Yesterday, we had our 4th annual Vision Boarding party at Harlem Yoga Studio. Eighteen of us came armed with magazines and ideas and spent the afternoon cutting, gluing, pasting, and of course snacking!

I've been vision boarding for four years, and each year I notice that my board becomes more and more refined and specific as the years go by. I pick a few things that I really want to focus my energy on, and they become the centerpiece of my board. I've had many people tell me that they keep putting up the things they want on their vision board, but year after year, they just don't get it. So why continue making one each year?

Well, the vision board is just a start. It's a place to gather all of your hopes, desires, and wishes onto something that you can see everyday. My first vision board was a smorgasbord of everything I've ever wanted in my life. From travel to work, romance to health, career to passions; you name it, it was on there. That year, not many things from my board came to life. Then the next year, my board became a little less cluttered. I put a bit more focus on the things I really wanted. And slowly, the journey towards manifestation began. The wheels started turning and the Universe started listening. Then the third year came, and my images and cut outs became even more specific. And surely, it all started to come true. One by one, my passions and dreams and goals started showing up. Some of the things from my first and second year started showing up too. But this is still just a start.

We must first create and visualize what we want. Then comes the work. Now our thoughts, words, intentions, and actions must sync up with what it is we are asking for. It's not so much that we have to control how our future must unfold, but we must be ready and open to receive them when the time is right. And that's sometimes the hardest part. To ask for something, then let it go.

So now, I've asked for it. My 2017 vision board is up on my wall alongside all the boards from before. And now, I let go. I'm ready and open to receive whatever the Universe has in store for me this year. Happy 2017 everyone!

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